• Whistle Blowing System

Gunanusa is committed to building a healthy business environment with integrity and aims to become a trusted company in carrying out quality and integrity work. To maintain this commitment, we have a whistleblowing system (WBS) reporting facility. WBS provides an opportunity for you to report suspected violations of law or fraud, violations of the code of ethics, or violations of conflicts of interest committed internally by Gunanusa.

We will further process complaints that meet the terms and criteria, if the complainant provides identifying information in the form of a name (allowed to be anonymous) and a telephone/e-mail number where they can be contacted. We guarantee the confidentiality of the reporter's personal data. The reporter must at least be able to explain what happened (what), the parties involved (who), when it happened (when), where it happened (where), and how it happened (how).


Fraud means committing an act in order to procure, for himself/herself or another person, any advantage to which he/she is not entitled by law, which includes the following actions:

  1. Asset Misappropriation means possessing property belonging to another person, or of which the other person is a co-owner, and dishonestly converting such property for himself/herself or a third person.
  2. Corruption
  3. Embezzlement means the act of deceiving a person with the assistance of falsehood or concealment of facts which should be revealed, dishonesty, and, by such deception, obtaining property from the person who has been deceived or a third person, or causing the person who has been deceived or a third person to execute, revoke, or destroy any document of right.
  4. Statement Fraud or providing false information or misrepresenting facts such as financial statement fraud, the alternation of financial records by taking advantage of loopholes in accounting principles and various options for valuation. This includes the disclosure of accounting information to change information in financial statements for a wrongful purpose or distorting information for the benefit of an individual or group of people.

Code of Ethics

The behavior of the Company's Management and Employees in accordance with the corporate culture that has been formulated to achieve the Company's vision and mission.


means requesting, accepting, agreeing to accept, giving, offering, pledging, or promising to give assets or any kind of benefits to induce a public official (including a foreign government official and agent of any international organizations), agency, private body, or officer of a private body, to wrongly exercise their powers. These powers include actions or inaction to facilitate, hasten or delay any act, to benefit the GUNANUSA's interest. Exceptions are cases where the giving or accepting of an asset or benefit is permitted by applicable laws, customs, or norms. Corruption may come in many forms including political support, charitable contributions, sponsorship arrangements, facilitation payments, gifts, entertainment or hospitality, bribery, revolving door, conflict of interest and unwarranted allowances or expenses, as well as the improper use of third-party agents and intermediaries.

Conflict of Interest

A condition in which the Management and Employees of the Company in carrying out their duties and obligations have interests outside the interests of the office, both concerning personal interests, family and the interests of other parties so that the Management and Employees of the Company may lose their objectivity in making decisions and policies according to the authority that has been given to him by the Company.

Anti-Bribery and Gratification

Bribery is the act of offering, promising, giving, receiving or soliciting an improper advantage of any value (either financial or non-financial). The GCG team was appointed by the Board of Directors as the manager of the anti-bribery management system (FKAP) which functions as a service provider to carry out the Anti-Bribery and Gratification cultural movement.

Guarantee of Your Confidentiality As a Whistleblower

If you want your personal data to be kept confidential, the GCG-Gunanusa Team will protect the confidentiality of the reporter's identity, provide communication facilities that can be accessed using pseudonyms that only the reporter knows. The GCG-Gunanusa team is mandated to protect every reporter. We can do all of these confidentiality guarantees as long as you do not publish your identity as a reporter. This system can protect your status as a reporter whose identity does not want to be disclosed. When you communicate, you may use your own pseudonym. Through a special communication channel, the GCG-Gunanusa Team will provide a response related to the status of your complaint and will confirm with you, if your complaint is deemed to lack sufficient preliminary evidence. The GCG Team - Gunanusa will keep your personal information confidential as a whistleblower, the WBS Management Team only focuses on reported cases.

The scope of reporting/disclosure that will be followed up by the Whistleblowing System includes:

  • Gratification
  • Cheating
  • Conflict of Interest
  • Law Violations
  • Corruption
  • Violation of Company Regulations
  • Theft
  • Bribery

This scope does not include issues related to employment/labor unions, quality of work, health, safety and environment (K3L), human resources (HR) and company facilities.

Thank you for your participation

This system is a means for whistleblowers to provide reports on allegations of irregularities that have occurred, are currently or will occur. Your active role is highly expected in eradicating irregularities in order to create a clean and integrity Gunanusa. If you become aware of any suspected irregularities, please report them immediately. Now is the right time to take part in saving Gunanusa from deviance.

we together need to take precautions, so that "Bribery, Corruption, Collusion and Nepotism" does not occur in our place. Of course, don't forget that as one of the embodiments of shared values (B.I.S.A), the vision and mission of the company, please convey the information, OK?

If you observe behavior or a situation that may violate the Good Corporate Governance and Business Ethics of GUNANUSA, you can submit your report or complaint directly via the communication channels as specified in the "Reporting and Whistleblowing Regulation" as follows:

  1. By post, address to the Directors or your supervisor, or: The Gunanusa - Good Corporate Governance Unit: South Quareter Building, Tower A, 16th Floor, Jl. RA Kartini, Cilandak, Jakarta - Indonesia - 12430.
  2. By e-mail, address to your supervisor or The Gunanusa - Good Corporate Governance Unit (gcg@gunanusa.co.id)
  3. Through the Whistleblowing system which is available on this website (www.gunanusautama.co.id) and intranet porat (www.gunanusa.net)

The Gunanusa - Good Corporate Governance will investigate all complaints strictly in accordance with the complaint handling procedure as prescribed in the "Reporting and Whistleblowing Procedure". All reports and complaints received will be treated with the utmost confidentiality and integrity in order to ensure protection and fairness for all individuals involved in the matter, and to prevent retaliation of any form. Gunanusa provides protection to every reporter and guarantees the confidentiality of identity and reports submitted.


  • WBS reporting can be done anonymously or by reporting the complete name, contact, and email.
  • Please note that the GCG-Gunanusa Team will further process the report that meets the reporting criteria (to explain what happened (what), the parties involved (who) when it happened (when), where it happened (where), and how it happened (how).
  • Reports that don't meet these criteria, the GCG-Gunanusa Team will not follow up and reserve the right not to respond.
  • You can directly report with complete attached supporting data files (If the attachment is a hard copy) to a member of the GCG-Gunanusa Team. If the attachment is in the form of a soft copy, you can send it via email: gcg@gunanusa.co.id, you can send files up to 10 MB.
  • You can also directly call/ online messages (WA/ Telegram) to GCG Contact Number: +62 81 555 00329

GCG Report:

Name *) :
Email *) :
Handphone/(WA) *) :

Content of GCG - violation reported: :
Attachment file :

*) Not mandatory (anonymous)