• Corporate Governance Principles
Good Corporate Governance means good business management regulated by efficiency and controlled by ethics, complemented by a strong base of sound management structure, corporate strategy, value-added approach, rules and regulations compliance, internal control, internal audit, risk management and a cordial relationship among the Directors, Management, Employees, and shareholders. The Six Principles of Good Corporate Governance must be adhered to as guidelines for good practice by the Board of Directors, Management and Employees with consideration given to the rights of stakeholders in order to create sustainable growth.
Business Ethics is a code of virtuous and proper behavioral practices to be observed by the Directors, Management and Employees. Violations of, or non-compliance with, the "Principles" and "Guideline for Good Practice" shall be subject to punishment.
GUNANUSA expects its Directors and Management to use the B-I-S-A Principles when governing and managing the Company's businesses. All Employees must also comply with the principles in order to drive GUNANUSA to achieve the following five goals, namely, growth, prosperity, stability, sustainability and dignity.