• Corporate Governance and Business Ethic Commitment

GUNANUSA strongly believes that conducting its business guided by good corporate governance and business ethics is vital for the efficient and sustainable success of its operations. Such an approach also helps create long-term value for Shareholders and Stakeholders; reflects GUNANUSA's strong commitment to its social and environmental responsibilities; and results in increased confidence and greater public acceptance.

GUNANUSA put emphasis on ethical business conduct and first issued a Code of Ethic Commitment in 2010. The Board of Directors and Management are committed to continually refining the standards of the Business Code of Ethics. This commitment is implemented in Anti Bribery and Corruption Policy on 10th January 2023. The Head of Commissioners, The Board of Directors and Management (Head of Departments and Head of Sections) sign commitment to implement ISO 37001:2016 on 11th January 2023.

A profound understanding of and commitment to the Good Corporate Governance and Business Ethics of GUNANUSA Group by all Directors, Management and Employees will lead GUNANUSA towards the achievement of its goals concerning growth, prosperity, stability, sustainability, and dignity. GUNANUSA relies on everyone in the Company to understand, observe and adhere to this commitment. Furthermore, if any misconduct has been seen, such action is to be reported through the channels provided in accordance with the Company's "Reporting and Whistleblowing Regulation". GUNANUSA ensures that all whistleblowers and other persons involved will be protected and will not be harmed in any way because of their cooperation in the relevant processes.

PT. Gunanusa Utama Fabricators implement Anti Bribery Management System (ISO 37001) since 10th July 2023 with scope of certification applicable to: Marketing, Bidding, Engineering, Procurement & Logistic, Project Management, Quality Assurance, Finance & Account, HRD & General Affair, Legal, Corporate Planning & Risk Management, Internal Audit, Information Technology, Quality Control, HSSE, Yard Department. ISO 37001 was certified by Sucofindo International Certification Service (SICS) Approval Cert No: SAB 000130.